Report Date: 8/12/12
Steelhead season has begun! Over the past few weeks some early “A run” Steelhead have been trickling into the lower Clearwater River. Although the river is not loaded with fish yet these fish are very aggressive and will attack a well presented fly if you get it in their vicinity. This is a great sign that our fall season is going to be a good one. During this time of year fly anglers that are not intimidated by the higher water, and are willing to fish with their backs against the brush often times find great success on early Clearwater Steelhead. These are the same fish that guys will be catching on the Snake, Ronde, and Salmon Rivers later in the fall. These early fish pull into the lower Clearwater to escape the warm temperatures in the main stem Snake, and hang out until they decide to head up river. I can’t think of a better time of year to be out on the water. The early portion of the run is a great time to hone up your casting skills and get everything in grove for later in the fall. If you are interested in one of our early steelhead trips get in touch with us! This is a great time to be on the water and anglers that are fishing now will not only be better caster, but better fisherman come prime time later in the fall.