Tuesday, October 2, 2012

Report Date:  10/1/12

Fishing continued to be decent over the past week and we have started to see some very large B Run Steelhead enter the system.  Fly anglers continued to have moderate success as the river was fairly busy during the latter part of the week and into the weekend.  Anglers that seemed to find some untouched water and fish seemed to have decent success.  Most of our fish were caught fishing small hair wing type patterns near the surface while the sun was off the water, and on small leach type stuff in black or purple on a light sink tip during the mid-day period.  Once again it seems that the anglers covering the most water tend to be the ones rewarded with a fish or two also don’t forget to switch thing up a little when there are lots of other guys stepping through runs.  The crowds should calm down a little over last week as Poppy, from The Red Shed in Peck, Idaho was having his yearly spey gathering on the Clearwater.  After the clave things seem to calm down quite a bit. 

Gear anglers continued to have good success back trolling metallic finished plugs.  Guys who fish gear this time of year often have really good success catching big B Run Steelhead.  Other methods that consistently produce fish this time of year are spoons and float and jig presentations. 

All anglers need to remember that above Memorial Bridge in Lewiston the Clearwater River is Catch and Release for all steelhead fishing, and these fish need to be treated with the upmost respect.

On another note guys need to realize that the water is very low at this point in time and if you are running a power boat you need to be especially careful!  One of our guides actually got a drift boat stuck the other day!  Just be cautious and watch out for each other and things will be groovy.

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